What I’ve been reading this month

I'd love to share with you guys some of the tid-bits I've been reading across the interwebs. Hit the jump…

How a Student Loan Consultant is Saving us Thousands a Month

Ah student loans, the millennial's persistent foe. This may sound trite, but make no mistake, student loans are no joke.…

Finance Library Starter Pack

A good personal finance connoisseur, that is, someone who's savvy in personal finance, should make sure to gather as much…

Physician Loans: What You Need To Know

Physician Loans are a huge benefit to anyone with an MD hanging behind their name. Furthermore, those benefits extend to…

Our Side Hustles: What’s Worked and What Hasn’t

I'm going to continue our posts on side hustles by sharing with you a few of the side hustles that…

Why We Like an Automatic Life

Our life is hectic. We are busy. My wife and I both work 40-50 hours a week, we have our own…

What’s a Side Hustle And Why Would I Want One?

Ah yes, the old American adage of work, work, work. Fortunately though, work is often rewarded. But nevertheless, there is…

NYTimes: When She Earns More

As I write this post, my wife is at work, on a Saturday, as I corral our three kids at…

Fidelity Introduces Zero Expense Ratios

In a first for mutual funds, Fidelity Investments announced that they have introduced two index mutual funds that have a…


Thanks for swinging on by. This is my new blog, "My Wife Brings Home the Bacon." My aim is to…