
Reading List

Here's a list of some of the more recent posts I've been reading: https://passiveaggressiveinvestor.com/2019/02/08/why-would-you-leave-a-job-in-academia-our-exit-strategy-and-why/ https://ofdollarsanddata.com/even-god-couldnt-beat-dollar-cost-averaging/ https://reflectionsofamillennialdoctor.com/2018/11/28/death-of-primary-care-physician/ https://www.birdsofafire.com/konmarie-marie-kondo/  

Why I Won’t Ever Have a Garage Sale

Growing up, my family hosted a garage sale nearly every year. In fact, it became such a big-to-do, that they'd…

What I’ve been reading this month

I'd love to share with you guys some of the tid-bits I've been reading across the interwebs. Hit the jump…